Welcome to Negative Light - the free software for organizing and manipulating photographs

Getting the Software

Releases can be found on SOURCEFORGE.NET, where the "neglight" project is hosted. Search for "neglight" to find the Negative Light project. Click on the Files tab to find the latest release. The following link should also work:


Click on the "Download Now!" button to get the installer. There are also two zip files, one containing just the binaries and one containing the source code. Use these if you don't trust the installer.

Running the Software

neglight requires Microsoft Windows Vista or 7. The installer includes all other prerequisites in the packaging. It is also a good idea to install all the recommended updates from Microsoft. When the installer is complete, you will find a "neglight" shortcut in the Programs menu under "Negative Light".

Odd and mysterious errors at start-up generally indicate that you are missing a required prerequisite. neglight is built on Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1, and the other prerequisite is the Visual Studio 2008 C++ runtime support libraries. Specifically, you need to install the "Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.msm" and "Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.msm" merge modules. These are available for download at the Microsoft developer site, which is http://msdn.microsoft.com . However, if you use the neglight installer, this annoying step shouldn't be necessary.

Finally, we are ready to go! Simply run the "neglight" shortcut. Note that this will create a file called "neglight.xml" in your user data folder. This is the saved state of the application. If you delete this XML file, you will have to start from scratch, so don't.

Using the Software

A user's guide can be found at:


The documentation is still very sketchy, and contributions are welcome.

Getting the Source Code and Documentation

There is a copy of the source code and documentation on the download page, but if you want the very latest version, you can grab it directly from the source code repository. The neglight project uses SVN (Subversion) for source control. A nice windows installer can be found on the Subversion website:


Specifically, get the latest Windows installer from:


Once SVN is installed, you can grab the source code with:

svn co https://neglight.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/neglight neglight

which will create a source tree called neglight. All this is explained on the neglight SVN help page:


You can update your source tree at a later date by running

svn update

from within the top level directory of the neglight source tree. I strongly recommend getting the source code, since this will allow you to contribute to the project.

Building the Source Code

A Visual Studio solution can be found at:


Just load this file into Visual Studio 2008 and build the project. You will need to build with the "Release" configuration at least once before you can build with the "Debug" configuration, since the "Release" configuration generates a needed header file. After you are done building, your new binaries can be found in:




depending on which build configuration you used.


-- Alex Siegel, the author